Joystick Magazine 2000 February
cd joystick no112 fevrier 2000.iso
Text File
401 lines
object SWindow: TSWindow
Left = 645
Top = 156
Height = 310
Width = 349
object ScannerWindow: TAOWWindow
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 440
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 200
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinManager = General.Manager
UseVMem = True
BorderWidth = 4
BorderHeight = 4
OverlapTopCorners = False
Cursor = crDefault
DoubleBuffered = True
MaskColor = clBlack
FreeSurfaceOnHide = False
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.GenericF
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 2
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.GenericT
DragHeight = 20
Draggable = True
Resizable = True
OnDrag = ScannerWindowResize
OnResize = ScannerWindowResize
MinWidth = 200
MinHeight = 216
MaxWidth = 0
MaxHeight = 0
UseManagerBorders = True
Modal = False
WinHeight = 216
Dockable = False
Left = 56
Top = 8
object ScannerFrame: TAoWFrame
Priority = 50
WinLeft = -2
WinTop = 10
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = -2
Alignment.RightOffset = 6
Alignment.TopOffset = 10
Alignment.BottomOffset = 4
Masked = False
WinWidth = 196
WinHeight = 202
FrameType = frHollowBox
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexLine = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
Left = 48
Top = 56
object ScannerTab: TAOWTabPanel
OnMouseDown = ScannerTabMouseDown
Priority = 10000
WinLeft = 31
WinTop = 182
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Selects one of the three map layers.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 31
Alignment.RightOffset = 24
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 19
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.Age8
Items.Strings = (
BorderHeight = 3
OnChange = ScannerTabChange
Selected = 1
WinWidth = 145
TextColor = 1777703
TextSelColor = clBlack
ILButton = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexDown = 17
ILIndexUp = 14
BorderHeightSelected = 3
Left = 160
Top = 56
object BuildingCheck: TAOWCheckBox
Priority = 1001
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 37
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Toggles player structures on and off.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 25
Alignment.TopOffset = 37
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexDown = 9
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 8
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
Checked = True
OnChange = BuildingCheckChange
RadioIndex = 0
Left = 112
Top = 104
object ArmyCheck: TAOWCheckBox
Priority = 1002
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 52
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Toggles parties on and off.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 25
Alignment.TopOffset = 52
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexDown = 11
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 10
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
Checked = True
OnChange = ArmyCheckChange
RadioIndex = 0
Left = 176
Top = 104
object NaturalCheck: TAOWCheckBox
Priority = 1003
WinLeft = 160
WinTop = 67
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Toggles natural structures on and off.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 25
Alignment.TopOffset = 67
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexDown = 13
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 12
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
Checked = True
OnChange = NaturalCheckChange
RadioIndex = 0
Left = 240
Top = 104
object Scanner: TScanner
Priority = 5
WinLeft = 30
WinTop = 32
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 30
Alignment.RightOffset = 39
Alignment.TopOffset = 32
Alignment.BottomOffset = 32
Masked = False
WinWidth = 131
WinHeight = 152
TilesImageLib = IntGfxMod.ScanTiles
HiLightsImageLib = IntGfxMod.ScanHiLites
FogImageLib = IntGfxMod.ScanFog
ILObjects = IntGfxMod.ScanObj
TileBoxTop = -1
TileBoxLeft = -1
TileBoxWidth = -1
TileBoxHeight = -1
HighLights = True
Buildings = True
Armies = True
Naturals = True
OnChangeTileBox = ScannerChangeTileBox
MapDrawSteps = 5
ILFrame = IntGfxMod.ScanWin
ILIndexFrame = 20
Left = 160
Top = 8
object STitleIcon: TAOWImage
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 2
WinTop = 2
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 2
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 2
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
ImageLib = IntGfxMod.TitleIcons
AnimStart = 0
CurrentImage = 0
AnimEnd = 11
WinWidth = 19
WinHeight = 16
Animate = False
AnimFrameDelay = 0
Left = 248
Top = 48
object STitleLabel: TAOWLabel
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 25
WinTop = 4
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 25
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 4
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = True
AOWFont = FontModule.Age10
Text = 'World Map'
TextColor = clBlack
Left = 32
Top = 208
object SMinIcon: TAOWButton
Priority = 1000
WinLeft = 180
WinTop = 1
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Minimizes the window')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 5
Alignment.TopOffset = 1
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.GenericI
ILIndexDown = 4
ILIndexLit = 5
ILIndexUp = 3
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
OnClick = SMinIconClick
Left = 120
Top = 208
object Help: TAOWButton
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 165
WinTop = 1
AOWWindow = ScannerWindow
ToolTip = General.ToolTip
ToolTipText.Strings = (
'Displays Help for this window.')
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awRight
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 20
Alignment.TopOffset = 1
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
BorderHeight = 0
BorderHeightSelected = 0
ILIcon = IntGfxMod.GenericI
ILIndexDown = 60
ILIndexLit = 61
ILIndexUp = 59
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 15
OnClick = HelpClick
Left = 108
Top = 8